It is of utmost importance for your children to regularly brush their teeth. Dentists recommend that, for best results, children with milk teeth should brush their teeth for two minutes twice a day. This is usually difficult for children; you can, therefore, make it more interesting for them by playing a two-minute song. Find a song they like and make teeth brushing last until the song ends. In that way you will also know how long teeth brushing should take. An average person spends 38.5 days of his/her life brushing their teeth, so that it is just as well to get accustomed to it in time. 


Milk teeth are actually the first teeth, which children start growing at around 6 months of age. The growth of milk teeth should end at the age of three. Naturally, there are always exceptions – some babies start growing primary teeth earlier, others later. Permanent teeth are located beneath milk teeth. If children develop dental caries or any other dental disease in their milk teeth, it should by all means be treated and removed, as failing to do so can endanger the health of permanent teeth.