Dental clinic

Dental clinic

State-of-the-art dental technology combined with years of tradition and a well-coordinated team that instills trust!


Team members


Years of tradition



Female employees



Patients yearly

 A1 Dental Studio

We use dental technologies and modern materials from renewed manufacturers with the goal of restoring the health of your teeth and enhancing the beauty of your smile. 

We are always up to date with the latest trends in dentistry, combining them with our long-standing tradition.

We are available on weekdays from 11 AM to 7 PM or from 9 AM to 5 PM. We respect our patients' time and will accommodate your schedule. We will remind you of every scheduled appointment and regular check-up.

After the examination and X-ray, we will analyze your current condition and create a treatment plan, all through the collaborative effort of our expert team.


Virtual tour

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The founder of “A1 Dental Studio” is Prof. dr Ljubomir Šćepanović. He was born in 1937. in Ljubovija, near Loznica and dedicated his entire career to dentisty.

He started as a dental technician and retired as a full professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Priština.


Prof. dr Ljubomir Šćepanović has published more than 50 scientific and professional papers in the field of dental prosthodontics.

He completed his secondary dental technical school and the Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade in 1963, where he specialized in 1972 at the Clinic for Dental Prosthetics. He defended his master's thesis in 1975 and his doctoral dissertation in 1980, also in Belgrade. In 1976, he underwent professional training at Queen's Marry Hospital in London, and in 1983, at the Clinic for Dental Prosthetics at the Faculty of Dentistry in Düsseldorf. He was invited to give lectures to students and professors at the Medical University of Nanjing in the People's Republic of China.

In Libya, in Tripoli and Benghazi, also by invitation, he held a series of lectures for medical workers and doctors on the development of dental science and the profession. For several years, he taught at the Faculty of Dentistry in Srbinje, in the Republic of Srpska.


Prof. dr Ljubomir Šćepanović

He co-authored a university textbook titled "Complete Denture, Technical Fabrication" and the book "Alterations of Oral Tissues with Dental Prostheses."

He spent his entire professional life in Priština. He was the first trained dental technician in Kosovo and Metohija. When he graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, he was the third dentist in Kosovo and Metohija.

At that time, he was the director of the Health Center and the head of the Dental Polyclinic in Priština. As early as 1964, he initiated and worked on the opening of the Secondary Dental Technical School in Priština. He was one of the first initiators of the establishment of the Department of Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine in Priština, where he worked from the very beginning. He was the first head of the Department of Dentistry and the long-time director of the Dental Clinic at the Faculty of Medicine in Priština.

In addition to his other roles, he served as the president of the Council of the Faculty of Medicine and the president of the University Council in Priština. During three electoral periods, he was the vice-rector of the University.

Professor Šćepanović has received numerous societal honors, including: the Great Plaque of the Serbian Medical Society for the development of healthcare in the Republic of Serbia, the November Award for the development of healthcare in Kosovo and Metohija, and the Vidovdan Charter for the development of scientific and university thought in Serbia. He is a recipient of the Order of Labor with a Silver Wreath, the Charter of the Serbian Medical Society Branch in Priština on the occasion of the eight-century anniversary of Hilandar and the Hilandar Medical Code.

He continued his private practice in Belgrade in 1999 with his son, Miodrag.

He is married, a father of two children who are also doctors, and has four grandchildren.


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