Zirconia center


Following the latest trends and innovations, A1 Dental Studio has established the Zirconia Center - a center for digital dentistry and zirconia. Zirconium is one of the most advanced materials of today, even used in the aerospace industry. When combined with digital dentistry, a revolution is created.

The production of dental crowns or bridges at the Zirconia Center is completely digital. This delivers top-notch results and a highly pleasant experience for the patient. We use the best-proven scanner for creating digital impressions, premium ceramics, and machines for crafting high-quality crowns. There is no longer any difference whether you had your crown made in New York, Tokyo, London, or here—with us in the heart of Belgrade, on Vračar.

It is no longer necessary to explain to patients how their teeth will ultimately look. Before the intervention begins, with the help of digital scans and photographs, we create a 3D simulation of the patient's future smile! Once the patient says "Yes, that's it!" we proceed further.


The next step is to take what the patient saw on the screen and place it in their mouth so they can get the complete picture of where our treatment is leading. Only when we are certain of the patient's expectations and desires, and of course, if they align with all dental rules, do we begin the work.

After the teeth are prepared for crowns, a digital impression is made using an intraoral scanner, which is then sent to the dental technician with a single click on the screen. Based on the already clearly defined shape and length of the teeth that the patient saw in their mouth, the technician creates a virtual design.

The next phase is the prototype fitting. The prototype consists of crowns made in the designed shape, but from plastic. This is the "dress rehearsal" of the new smile. The patient can see in the mirror how the crowns are designed, how the smile looks, and say if they don't like anything. Corrections at this stage are extremely simple and quick, after which everything is ready for the creation of zirconia crowns.


Prototip i krune
Prototype and finished all ceramic zirconia crowns

We use premium brands of zirconia blocks that are processed on powerful CNC machines to create crowns. In our work, monolithic multilayer crowns take the lead. Monolithic means that our entire crowns are made from a zirconia block without any added layers of ceramic, making them much more resistant to breaking than any other material previously used for crown production. Multilayer means that the color of the crowns is gradational, giving them a unique natural appearance.


Digitalni model i cirkonija krune
Zirconia crowns on a digital model

Don't let your smile be made the old-fashioned way in the digital age.

Learn everything you're interested in about zirconia crowns on our website www.cirkonijacentar.rs



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